WebChecker Groups WebChecker lets you organize your bookmarks into "groups". You can organize them into pages checked daily, every half hour, or however you desire. You can have as many groups as you want. Adding your Bookmarks Once you've started WebChecker, you'll need to enter your favorite web pages into WebChecker. There are several ways you can do this: 1) Drag and drop them from your Web browser. From either Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer, drag bookmarks from the web browser to a WebChecker window. 2) Type 'em in. Click on the "Add Page" button, and the page edit dialog will appear. Type a web page in with a description, and click "OK" to save it. 3) Visit them with your web browser, and tell WebChecker to remember them. Setting the checking parameters You can check web pages manually to see if they've changed, but you can also have WebChecker do it for you. WebChecker can check web pages whenever you launch WebChecker, or at user-selectable periods.   Checking At Launch If selected, WebChecker will check the web pages in the group every time you launch WebChecker. Check Frequently If selected, WebChecker will check the web pages in the group periodically. Handling Errors Sometimes WebChecker cannot check a web page because of various problems. If an error occurs, you can have WebChecker notify you.   Open Group When checked, the group window will be opened (if it was closed) if an error occurs. Play Sound When selected, the specified sound will be played when an error occurs while checking web pages in the group. Updated Page Notification When WebChecker finds a modified page, it can notify you in a variety of ways.   Open Group If WebChecker detects an updated page, it will open the group (if its window was closed). Launch browser WebChecker will launch your selected browser, with the first modified web page it found. Play Sound WebChecker will play the specified sound if it finds a modified web page. Naming The Group   You can provide a name to each group you create. The name of the group is listed in the window's title bar.